Ashley Poston Ashley Poston


The Seven Year Slip is, at its heart, about time. The time we have, the time we’re promised, and the time we leave behind. It asks the questions—Will you stay? Will you stay today? Will you stay tomorrow? And those are the kinds of question that, on the surface, are easy to answer.

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The Middle
Ashley Poston Ashley Poston

The Middle

There are things that are really, really difficult for me: taxes, resisting the urge to buy everything in a bookstore, and writing. The first two are things are ones that I can handle.
Taxes? I can hire a CPA and just shove all my 1099s at him.

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In Defense of Doggo
Ashley Poston Ashley Poston

In Defense of Doggo

Someone once said to me, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Maybe it was a guidance counselor, or one of those inspirational posters with kittens on them, or my grandmother. I can’t remember exactly who it was, and the origins of the platitude are unknown, but I can see why no one, dead or alive, wants to attribute their name to that pack of lies.

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